Box Beam Bursting Energy Absorbing Terminal – Bridge Pier
The BEAT-BP shields bridge piers, and is adjustable for multiple pier spacings and number of piers. It is a self-contained system meaning existing box beam railing is not required. It is much lower in cost and more effective than the Thrie Beam Bullnose system.
Major components include 6” x 6” box beam, breakaway steel posts, impact head, non-breakaway steel posts, cable anchor assemblies and associated hardware. The condensed layout reduces exposure area and increases recovery area. And it’s low cost compared to other options.
Applications of the BEAT-BP

- About
- Product Diagram
- Product Documentation
Benefits and Features:
- Directly shields bridge piers.
- Adjustable for pier spacing and for number of piers.
- Solves the problem of grass mowing and maintenance operations in Bullnose areas.
- Reduces overall exposure area compared to Bullnose systems.
- Requires less grading & easier to install and maintain compared to Bullnose systems.
- Self-contained system / additional or existing box beam barrier not required.
- Interchangeable components with other RSI products (BEAT, BEAT-MT, BEAT-SSCC).
- Major components include 6 x 6 box beam, breakaway steel posts, impact head, non-breakaway steel posts, cable anchor assemblies and associated hardware.
Comparison vs Bullnose